1. Take an interest
Really get to know your client: ask about the business, get to know the key people – and listen carefully!
2. Simple processes and plenty of activity
Establish robust processes and bring them alive
3. Identify opportunities
Map opportunities for key clients; create a pipeline with responsibilities and milestones
4. Broaden relationships
Develop wider and deeper relationships between your team and your clients’ key people
5. Embed behaviours
Changing the culture is the hardest part; establish a plan to embed new behaviours at all levels
6. Communicate regularly
Internally: e.g. why it’s important, how they can help and successes achieved; externally: keep in touch with clients and follow their progress
7. Create awareness
Create, and maintain, basic awareness of the firm’s services for all staff
8. Develop your staff
Establish continuous, long-term development of staff through training and coaching, particularly in communication and commercial awareness
9. Incentives and rewards
Align incentive and reward systems with your culture, and celebrate success
10. Client feedback
Listen to what clients say and act upon it
11. Address the barriers
Identify and overcome internal barriers (e.g. fee-earners’ fear of losing control over their clients)